The Old Mutual International Executive Redemption Bond, is a tax efficient offshore wrap investment platform that allows the investor to access a wide variety of different investments, in an almost unlimited range of currencies.
The Executive Redemption Bond is used widely by international financial advisers, however, most clients are not aware that the charges which their adviser are stating are to apply to their Executive Redemption Bond, are not the only options available.
Many clients have come to realise that when a financial adviser is paid a commission, upfront, the incentive to look after them properly, in the future, has been removed. Would you not prefer to work with a firm where there is no commission taken, by the adviser, and in place a fee is charged which you, as the client, are able to choose whether to pay or not with no minimum investment period?
If you were to set up your Old Mutual International Executive Redemption Bond via us, you could expect to receive a similar type of advice to a client in the UK ie:
- No commissions taken on your investments (can be as much as 12%)
- No minimum investment periods and no exit penalties via Old Mutual International or us (normally 8% spread over 8 years)
- Adviser incentive to look after your investments, and your needs for the long term
- A reduction in costs, equivalent to around 50%- 75% less than the typical international financial adviser firm
- Highly Qualified
- Won awards for superior service
Old Mutual International Redemption Bond.