
Euro Zone Dodges Greece Bullet…But What Next?

All eyes were on Greece yesterday (including this writer's!) as we awaited the results of the elections with feta flavored bated breath. Phew, the party that was in support of the bailout got in - New Democracy led by Antonis Samaras. Afraid cracking the Euro vintage (remember you can't call sparkling white wine that...

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EU Making ‘Worst-Case’ Plans for Greek Euro Exit

European finance officials told Reuters that they have discussed various worst-case scenario tools such as limiting the size of withdrawals from ATM machines, imposing border checks and introducing capital controls in at least Greece should Athens decide to leave the euro. Officials have been keen to stress that the discussions were...

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Greek Voto De-facto Vote on the Euro?

As the the Greeks get ever closer to going back to the polls, many see this crucial vote as a defacto vote on whether Greece will opt to stay in the Euro fold. Will Germany stick by it's guns and follow through on its tough talk? Probably not and, thus, the inevitable is likely to be delayed...

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