With Tokyo holding the top spot for the world’s most expensive place to live for many years Zurich, in Switzerland, has now taken over that coveted position.
According to the ‘Economic Intelligence Unit’s Worldwide Cost of Living Index’, Zurich is now officially the most expensive city to live in.
This is partly due to the ever increasing value of the Swiss Franc. Many expats, in Switzerland, will be paid in Euros or USD and thus an appreciating Swiss Franc can mean a squeeze on living standards. If you have relocated to Switzerland, or are in the process of relocating, you may wish to see if buying your Euro or USD in advance, through an FX broker would be helpful to manage ongoing financial commitments without currency uncertainly.
So, say you relocated to Switzerland and you had a USD mortgage back home. With an FX broker you can fix your exchange rate up to two years in advance thus removing any uncertainty over future currency movements.